Asal-usul Nanas
Nanas (Ananas comosus) berasal dari Brazil bagian selatan dan Paraguay. Orang Indian menyebarkan nanas melalui Amerika Selatan dan Tengah ke Hindia Barat atau Karibia sebelum Columbus tiba di benua Amerika. Pada tahun 1493 Columbus menemukan nanas di pulau Guadaloupe dan membawanya kembali ke Spanyol. Nanas tersebar ke seluruh dunia dari kapal layar yang mengangkutnya sebagai penangkal penyakit kudis saat itu. Bangsa Spanyol memperkenalkan nanas di Filipina dan membawanya ke Hawaii dan Guam pada awal abad ke-16. Nanas sampai di Inggris pada tahun 1660 dan mulai dibudidayakan di greenhouse sekitar tahun 1720.
Nanas = Pineapple
Pine berarti cemara, sedangkan apple berarti apel. Jadi, pineapple adalah.................... nanas. Kenapa nanas dinamakan pineapple dalam bahasa Inggris? Ketika bangsa Eropa menemukan nanas di benua Amerika, mereka menyebut buah ini "pineapple" karena kemiripannya dengan pine cone atau kerucut pohon cemara.
Sisi Seram Nanas
Di Hawaii nanas dijadikan sebagai Jack-O-Lantern pada perayaan Halloween. Kulit nanas yang bermata banyak membuat wajah Jack-O-Lantern terlihat lebih seram, sementara daunnya yang berujung tajam tampak seperti gaya rambut mohawk.
Bukan Sekedar Nanas
Ternyata nanas memiliki makna yang dalam dibalik penampilannya yang sangar berjambul. "Be a pineapple. Stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside."
"Stand tall" - Standing tall is hard to do. When life knocks you down, it takes a lot of courage to stand back up and keep pushing forward. Standing tall means standing up for what you believe in, chasing your dreams, standing up when you get knocked down, not letting others tear you down, and supporting your friends, family, and yourself no matter hard it may be. Not being afraid to stand tall is key to living the life that you want for yourself, so why not get the courage to do so?
"Wear a crown" - This absolutely does not mean to think you the queen of the world. Although sometimes we get arrogant and think we may be, wearing a crown is about being humble yet knowing you are special. Wear a crown means to know your worth and know that you deserve more. Be confident in who you are, what you look like, and who your friends and family are Stay true to yourself and do not let anyone make you think you are less than perfect. Wear your crown and show everyone that you are confident and love your life.
"Be sweet on the inside" - This is probably the most important part of the quote. Love and respect all people. Be open to all and never judge. Be the person others aspire to be but always strive to be better than you were the day before. Moral of the story, don't be an asshole and respect people. That is the number one thing that all people in the world need to learn how to do. You do not have to agree with everyone or think that they are doing the right thing or living the right way, but you have to be kind and open to hearing their point of view and respect the fact that that is what they believe is right.
Nanas menjadi salah satu buah yang muncul di MV terbaru Red Velvet yang berjudul 'Red Flavor'. Di MV tersebut nanas menjadi buah yang mewakili Seulgi karena warnanya yang kuning sesuai dengan warna identitas Seulgi di Red Velvet.
Salah satu scene di MV memperlihatkan Seulgi sedang mewawancarai sebuah nanas raksasa.
"I wasn’t that sweet when I was young. As I grew, I became full and ripe... I was used to play by myself because I’m the only child. I was reprimanded at school for having an inappropriate hair style." - PineappleHihihi lucu ya si Nanas. Nanas seolah menjadi anak tunggal karena satu
Bagian terakhir inilah yang sebenarnya menjadi pemicu buatku untuk mencari fakta tentang nanas hahaha. Kadang (atau sering???) trigger dari K-Pop memang kuperlukan biar bisa produktif nulis di blog :P
Sumber: by Elaine Gralak
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